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Our weekly newsletter filled with news, updates, and inspiring stories of how God is working in the Bay Area.

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Did you know that…

  • Over 8500 toys have been donated to foster agencies in the Bay Area through the XCED Toy Drive in the last four years.
  • Over 50 Bay Area teens have been involved in the Toy Drive.
  • In the year of 2012, over 1,200 toys and $1000 have been donated to the Toy Drive.

What inspired these teenagers to make all of this possible?

The idea formed five years ago in 2007, when a family took in a four-year-old boy who had been in and out of foster homes. Seeing that he had nothing with him but the clothes on his back, the family felt compassion for him and gave him a Transformers action figure. The boy’s face lit up with excitement and gratitude, and the family knew this experience had to be shared. The father and daughter talked, and they decided that putting on a Christmas Toy Drive could give children that same joy. The daughter, a member of XCED, discussed this idea with her peers. So, in December 2008, the XCED Toy Drive became a huge success.

If you want to participate, bring a new, unwrapped toy to our holiday service on December 15th! Gift cards are in high demand, so bring those too!

The XCED toy drive, shows the conviction its members have about foster children needing to be included. We will continue to use our dreams to impact those in our communities.

Written by

Bay Area Christian Church

This was created by a member of the Bay Area Christian Church team.