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Our weekly newsletter filled with news, updates, and inspiring stories of how God is working in the Bay Area.

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In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us.

Colossians 3:11 NLT

God’s desire is that Jesus lives in all of us, which is why we are passionate advocates for inclusion in the church. 

See a need, meet a need: Around 27% of the United States population live with disabilities—they are the world’s largest minority. People with special needs and their families are often marginalized in society, and the isolation and emotional strain they experience as a result can be unbearable. 

The church can play a vital role in supporting these families. Our Lead Women’s Minister, Gail Ewell, recently wrote a piece for about how churches everywhere can better include people with special needs. We are so happy to be able to share our lessons learned with other churches who would like to build inclusion into their ministries as well. 

We are passionate about building inclusive programs: For over two decades, members of the BACC have given their time and talents to building inclusive programs like Spiritual Resource Ministry, E-Sports, and E-Life. These programs have exploded in their reach due largely to the faith and love of the volunteers from the church, who ensure that everything we do—from church services to soccer games—are fully inclusive.  

We all play a part in inclusion:  “Building a culture of inclusivity in your church isn’t something that happens spontaneously or quickly,” Gail wrote. “It takes an entire congregation with intentionality on behalf of those with special needs or disabilities. It takes a community determined to educate themselves and provide the resources necessary for a truly welcoming and inclusive space.”

Volunteers and members of the BACC have embraced inclusion with open arms. Programs like E-Soccer, E-Hoops, and E-Life are driven by members who have a passion for these sports and activities. Our sensory-friendly egg hunt during our Sunnyvale Easter service is another example of the innovative ways our members work to include everyone in the church. 

We include because we see it in the Bible: One of the reasons we believe that inclusion has thrived in our church is our deep devotion to living by the Bible. 

“The Bible recounts numerous instances where Jesus helped those with disabilities, reflecting God’s work through acts of inclusion,” Gail said. “In John 9:2-41, Jesus heals a man born blind, demonstrating compassion and challenging societal norms.”

Our church is first and foremost Bible-centered, and we believe that living out the Scriptures is powerful. As we live God’s way, he moves through us to bring positive changes to the world around us. 

We all benefit from inclusion

Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, [5] so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.

Romans 12:4-5 NLT

Inclusion is beneficial to all: We deeply believe that inclusion is beneficial not only to the neurodiverse but also to the neurotypical. God designed us each to be unique, and as we each carry out our own special function we become something greater than we could ever be alone. 

Get involved: Think about the special talents and gifts God has given you. What unique skills and interests do you have? In what ways could you use those talents to build the church and promote inclusion?

Until next time!

BACC Staff

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BACC Admin