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Holidays are a time of the year when we imagine peaceful moments of treasured family times spent in the home around the hearth – but our reality is more of strained relationships, frenzied activities, and stressful responsibilities. Although peace is something we would all like to have in our lives, we often fail to do the spiritual work necessary to experience it. God wants to give us lasting peace regardless of the challenges and busyness of our lives.

Peace is a gift the world can not give

“Walk away from the evil things of this world, seek peace and pursue it.”

Psalms 34:14 (The Voice)

Because he’s never known inner peace, he has seized everything he’s ever craved. 21 Because he consumed all he could see, nothing is left;
his prosperity cannot last.

Job 20:20-21 (The Voice)

“I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart.  And the peace I give is a gift the world can not give.”

John 14:27 (NLT)

When we try to get peace from the world by seeking comfort through food, shopping, eating, or recreation we are often left with feelings of emptiness, guilt and even frustration.  Some of us turn to control rather than comfort to gain peace but these efforts can also prove futile and do not calm our hearts.  God wants us to enjoy our lives but only with Him can we have true inner peace that helps us be content in any situation.

Peace comes from spending time with God

Those who love Your law have an abundance of peace, and nothing along their paths can cause them to stumble.

Ps 119:165 (The Voice)

His house is my shelter and secret retreat.  It is there I find peace in the midst of storm and turmoil.  Safety sits with me in the hiding place of God.  He will set me on a rock, high above the fray.

Ps 27:5 (The Voice)

Most of us have experienced times in our lives when we can not see a light at the end of the tunnel – these are the times that only God can bring us peace.  In times of distress and frustration, God wants to bring comfort and protection but we have to spend time in His word to gain this confidence.  God’s word has the power to bring peace into our hearts and lives and when no one else can.


  • What do you look to for peace other than turning to God?
  • Do you try to control your outward circumstance or the actions of others to make life more “peaceful”?
  • How is the lack of peace in your home affecting your family?
  • Will you spend more time with God so that you can gain peace from Him?

Prayer Ideas:

  • Pray through scriptures about God’s protection, compassion, love and sovereignty.
  • Pray to see ways you have trusted in yourself or in your plans rather than God’s plans and his will.
  • Pray until your heart is trusting and faithful that God will take care of the challenges in your life and others.

Additional Reading:

  • John 14, 15, 16
  • Peace comes from…
    • God Focus – Isaiah 26:3 (NLT) “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you.”
    • Humility – Isaiah 26:12 (NLT) “Lord you will grant us peace, all we have accomplished is really from you.”
    • Righteousness – Isaiah 32:17 (NLT) “This righteousness will bring peace. Yes, it will bring quietness and confidence forever.”

Written by

Bay Area Christian Church

This was created by a member of the Bay Area Christian Church team.