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Sign up for The Good Stuff

Our weekly newsletter filled with news, updates, and inspiring stories of how God is working in the Bay Area.

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The LORD said to his people, “Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths and where the best road is. Walk in it, and you will live in peace.” 

Jeremiah 6:16 GNT

There come times in every life and heart during which we encounter a crossroads –  a moment of decision that defines our future. God leads us to these moments to help us choose how we will live our lives, build our relationships, and pursue our dreams. These are defining moments through which God not only changes our personal lives, but also leads us to our destiny of leaving an impact on others’ lives.

What we love about our church is how deeply we believe in a powerful and dynamic women’s ministry through which lives, families, communities, schools, and workplaces are changed by spiritual women who passionately live for God and his purpose.

Today more than ever, we live in a time in which many are in need of hope and vision. In a recent Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study, it was found that teenage girls are experiencing more sadness and violence in our nation than in prior decades. 

“The CDC recently released data showing nearly 3 in 5 teen girls felt persistently sad or hopeless in 2021, double that of boys, and representing a nearly 60% increase over the prior decade. Thirty percent of teen girls seriously considered suicide and nearly 18% experienced sexual violence, up 20% from 2017. And as the mental health of youth in this country continues to deteriorate, mental health services are not meeting the demands, largely due to widespread shortages.” 

In view of these concerning trends, we believe God is the only one and way for each individual to experience a defining moment in which his love, vision, and purpose for our lives can turn the tide of negativity and darkness, and inspire courageous hope, deep friendships, and a ripple effect of change in not only our lives but in those around us!

“At the very moment I called out to you, you answered me! You strengthened me deep within my soul and breathed fresh courage into me.”

Psalm 138:3 TPT

Every day we can make small courageous choices by turning to God, which creates a ripple effect in not only our lives but also the lives of those around us. This is why, beginning this weekend, we are hosting a series for women called “Girls’ Night Out” (GNO), with our theme this year being, “Defining Moments.” Girls’ Night Out is a night where women from all over the Bay Area come together to connect, let down, hear inspiring keynote speakers, and enjoy dinner conversations afterwards.

Our first GNO events kick off this Saturday, March 18th! There will be one for all teen and college women held at our BACC Common Ground building at 5 pm. Another for women of all ages in San Francisco will be at Chinese American International School theater at 5 pm. GNO events for other counties around the Bay will be the following weekends!

We are so excited to hear of the stories, memories, and friendships that come out of these inspiring and powerful events!

Until next time,

Ray & Amy Kim

North Bay Lead Ministers

Written by

Ray Kim

Ray Kim is a Southern California native who made the Bay Area his home after graduating from the University of California, Berkeley. He is passionate about community service, and is spearheading such efforts as the E-Hoops program at the University of San Francisco.