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Sign up for The Good Stuff

Our weekly newsletter filled with news, updates, and inspiring stories of how God is working in the Bay Area.

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Jesus changed the world by doing good (Acts 10:38) and making God known (John 1:18). We are committed to being like Jesus in this world, which is why we are continually redefining and rebuilding our church to be a refuge for the world, not a refuge from it.

BACC in the national news: Our executive minister, Russ Ewell, recently shared insights about BACC’s mission with Fox News Digital in an article titled “San Francisco church is evangelizing to the ‘nones’: Can ‘have great impact.’”

Russ described how the BACC aims to reach and connect with religious “nones” – the rising demographic of those who have no particular religious affiliation. Although many in this group are not interested in organized religion, there is growing evidence that they are searching for spirituality. 

Breaking down religious barriers: San Francisco is consistently one of the most religiously unaffiliated metropolitan areas of the US. We have been experiencing for years what the rest of the country is now grappling with—increasing numbers of people are searching for spirituality but they don’t necessarily think they will find it in organized religion.

Christianity is deeply spiritual, but if our churches are steeped in religious culture and language that is difficult for a new person to understand, we will unwittingly create barriers that stop people from reading the Bible and discovering God.  

“Normal, friendly, and caring”: That is why BACC is so passionate about doing good for our community, with no expectation that those we serve will have a religious affiliation. Through our community service efforts like E-Life, the Toy Drive, and much more, we hope to make a positive impact on the world around us.

As Russ remarked to Fox News, we aim to “just be normal and friendly and caring about people,” without any expectation for them to have a religious affiliation. By doing this, we hope to break down cultural barriers between the ‘nones’ and the church. 

The great impact of spirituality: “People understand or are interested in spirituality, whether it’s in nature, whether it’s in searching inwardly to find who they are or to deal with and resolve issues of their life,” Russ told Fox News. “And if we can learn to speak the language of spirituality instead of the language of religiosity, I think we will have great impact.”

Why we are devoted to ‘God and Good’

And you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good…

Acts 10:38 NLT

Jesus loved unconditionally, making God known to the world by serving and healing people regardless of whether or not they chose to follow him. Every week, Christians at the BACC lay their lives down to make a positive impact on their community, and we need to remember that every action—whether seen or unseen—has a great impact. 

How can you “go around doing good” this weekend? Whose life can you impact by simply being friendly and caring? 

For more inspiration about the impact of doing good, make sure to check out the full story about the BACC on Fox News Digital!

Written by

Bay Area Christian Church

This was created by a member of the Bay Area Christian Church team.