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Our weekly newsletter filled with news, updates, and inspiring stories of how God is working in the Bay Area.

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When God called Moses to become a great leader, he didn’t exactly jump at the opportunity. He did something many parents are familiar with in their interactions with their kids – he argued, argued again, and then argued more.

Moses raised another objection to GOD:

“Master, please, I don’t talk well. I’ve never been good with words, neither before nor after you spoke to me. I stutter and stammer.”
Exodus 4:10

Moses had a disability, and his disability made him insecure and question God’s plan for his life. What Moses needed was inspiration – the passion that comes from believing that God had chosen him, and would use his life to make a difference for others. No amount of prodding, pushing, or coercion could convince Moses – he needed to be motivated from the inside.

In the Y-Ministry at the Bay Area Christian Church, we help teenagers understand that everyone faces challenges and obstacles. We believe in inspiring teenagers to believe that they can become all that God wants them to be, in spite of challenges and obstacles in their lives.

So how can you spiritually inspire your own teen about God’s vision for them? Here are some ideas we have seen inspire teenagers in our Y-ministry:

  1. E-Soccer -E-Soccer is a community program that facilitates relationships and helps typical and special needs kids build confidence. Coming to E-Soccer will inspire your teen by helping them build relationships with other teens who care.
  2. Y-ministry activities – Every week teenagers get together for fun events, Biblical lessons, and hang-out times. These activities are inclusive. Plan on attending.
  3. Communicate with Y leaders – Let the people leading teen events know what helps your teen thrive.
  4. Creative ways to learn about God
    1. The Glo Bible is popular with many teens (and adults) because of the visuals and the extra “stuff” that makes the Bible more interesting and relevant to them.
    2. Movies – who doesn’t like a good movie? There are several movies out like The Gospel of John that teens can watch if they have a harder time reading.
  5. Parent support groups – Find support and refreshment through friendships with other parents. Here you can find fresh ideas for your home and family life, and friends who can relate and help you find the internal strength and patience to handle the stresses in your life. Being inspired yourself will help you inspire your teen!
  6. Personal Bible studies–The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:11: “I know the plans I have for you,” announces the Lord. “I want you to enjoy success. I do not plan to harm you. I will give you hope for the years to come.”
    1. Bible studies can be adapted for each teen’s special needs. Your teen will be much more inspired if they believe personally that everything they go through has a purpose.
  7. Friends – One of the benefits of networking with other parents in Spiritual Resource Ministry and E-soccer is finding both typical kids and kids with a similar special needs. For a teen with special needs, having friends who can relate to them and understand what they feel can be invaluable.

Written by

Mike Query

Mike is a digital marketing manager for the Bay Area Christian Church and is a regular contributor to Inspire. He's passionate about web strategy, music, mentorship, and his quest to find the best burrito in the Bay Area.