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It’s mid-December, classes are winding down, finals are underway and you are counting the days until you’re done. You’re thinking about all of the amazing things you will do once finals are complete.  Things like, catch up with old friends, treat yourself to a movie, sleep in and most importantly, do absolutely nothing.  As a college grad, I’ve done all of the above as well as having my mom make me food because I had to suffer all semester long eating dorm food, or worse: cooking my own food.

Now that your finals are over and you are ready to head home, why not try something new? Here are 3 tips to help your holidays be both memorable and spiritual.

Stay connected with spiritual friends

11 I want very much to see you and give you some spiritual gift to make your faith stronger. 12 I mean that I want us to help each other with the faith that we have. Your faith will help me, and my faith will help you.

Romans 1:11-12 (ERV)

As you settle in at home and check your social media to see what your friends are up to in your hometown, don’t forget about your spiritual relationships you’ve developed over the semester.  Make time to help each other grow stronger in your faith.  Give them a call or shoot them a text to see how their winter break is going with their family.  Set up times to FaceTime, Google Duo or actually hangout in person if you don’t live too far away.

When we are home, it’s really easy to not only take a break from school but to also take a break spiritually.  So when you stay connected with spiritual friends, your winter break becomes an opportunity to get stronger in your faith and help your friend do the same.

Create a New Family Tradition

3 Don’t be jealous or proud, but be humble and consider others more important than yourselves. 4 Care about them as much as you care about yourselves

Philippians 2:3-4 (CEV)

Often times, while the holidays are supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, it can be a stressful or a sad one.  Take some of your vacation time to consider what would encourage your family.   Take a walk down Christmas lane, play a game together, or just get some good time to catch up and see how life has been treating them.  The best you can give anyone is your time – and it’s priceless.

Find your Inspiration Point

42 Like a deer drinking from a stream, I reach out to you, my God. 2 My soul thirsts for the living God. When can I go to meet with him?

Psalm 42:1-2 (ERV)

Your inspiration point is simply a place where you look forward to going where you are able to get away from the busyness of life, experience a sense of tranquility & peace, focus and get deep. Is there a park, coffee shop, a trail or maybe even a beach that is nearby for you to spend time with God?  What time does your family typically begin their day and their holiday festivities? The answer to that question will help you determine when you need to be finished with your time with God so you can spend quality time with them.

Communicate with your family that you want to get out early in the morning to spend some time reading and praying. That may feel awkward to do and you may feel insecure that they might not understand, but your family will appreciate the maturity demonstrated in your communication regardless of whether they believe it is necessary.

The holiday season is a time where we celebrate our families and friendships, but all too often it’s easy to leave God out of the season. Let’s stay connected with our friends, create new traditions and find our inspiration point! Try these 3 tips and experience the benefits of a holiday season where God still remains at the center of our time away from school.

Written by

Martin Oji

Martin Oji is a contributor to BACC Inspire. He works with college students and young professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area. Martin is the 4th best basketball player on the Inspire roster.