About this video

Family is something everyone wants, whether it’s with our physical family or the friends around us (or both). This Let’s Talk Night is about how to be part of a family that is close and growing together. When we contribute to our family’s growth, devote ourselves to being close, and invest in spending time together, we will have families that are enjoyable and connected.

Discussion questions

  • Contribution: Are you embracing or resisting your role in your family?
  • Devotion: Do you fight for closeness or do you settle for distance in your relationships with your family?
  • Time: Are you consistent and investing the proper amount of time into each of your relationships in your family?

Further study

  • Read the book of Ephesians to learn more about how families can help each other grow.
  • Read When Family Becomes a Lifeline, Not a Limit to learn more about the importance of family in our lives.

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