About this video

This episode of “Let’s Talk” is about our 3-pronged vision for making God’s church more accessible. Research* shows that increasing numbers of people are saying “yes” to God, but “no” to church. How can we or any Christians make church more accessible to those who are unaffiliated?

Jesus teaches us how in Matthew 15:1-9. His answer is simple. Keep God. Lose the traditions. Traditions are defined as “beliefs and customs handed down from generation to generation.” They are not bad, but they are not Scripture either, which means they can be changed. Jesus consistently taught the importance of valuing but not holding on to traditions if they interfered with people coming to know God.

One of the most important discussions to have at your Let’s Talk night is about our unified commitment to become a church that makes God accessible. There are three aspects to this, and these three things make up what we call our “3x Vision” of a church that changes the world:

  1. Life-Changing – II Corinthians 3 explains just how life-changing Christianity should be.
  2. Non-Traditional – Matthew 15 teaches God’s Word rather than tradition is the standard
  3. Non-Denominational – I Corinthians 1-3, 9 teach us to be God-focused, diverse, and to become all things to all people.

Ultimately, building a life-changing, non-traditional, and non-denominational church is about being people who walk with God, live by the Scriptures, and have an outward rather than insular focus, which is to say we are about changing and inspiring the world, not isolating from it.



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