About this video

As we go through life, our day-to-day responsibilities and experiences will change. Sometimes these changes affect our spiritual vision, and we lose sight of how God is working through us.

But no stage we go through is ever futile or in vain. God is always working through us, even—and sometimes especially — in life’s most difficult or unfamiliar stages. He wants to comfort us and develop strength and security in us so that we can handle and thrive in any storm that comes our way.

Check out this Let’s Talk Night video to learn more about keeping our vision through the different stages of life.

Show Notes:
2 Corinthians 1:4-5,8-9 ERV
Romans 5:3-5 Voice
Deuteronomy 8:12-14 NIV
1 John 2:15-17 MSG
Philippians 2:3-4 ERV
Psalm 139:14-16 MSG

Discussion Questions:
What stage or season of life are you in now?
How is God trying to help you grow and see his vision while in that stage?


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