
Make your church accessible to and inclusive of those with special needs.

The Spiritual Resource Ministry Manual provides everything you need to create a ministry that is accessible to people with special needs and their families.

About the manual

What is a Spiritual Resource Ministry, and why does my church need it?

An SRM offers individuals with special needs and their families the ability to thrive spiritually alongside their neurotypical peers in every area of the church, which they may not otherwise be able to do.

People with many types of disabilities—from Autism Spectrum Disorder to Anxiety or ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) —can benefit from this inclusive and adaptive ministry.

In this manual, we will guide you in building an SRM at your church.


What’s inside?

From parent support groups to Children’s Ministry classes and teen events, we will give you suggestions for how to build a strong and growing congregation where people of all abilities can thrive.

Chapter one

Inclusive Children’s Ministry classes

An SRM class is a place for kids of all abilities to learn about God in a loving and inclusive environment. While their needs are being met, their parents or guardians can attend the church service.
Chapter two

Spiritual support for parents

It is much easier to foster an inclusive environment in the church than most people realize, and it often starts with empowering parents.
Chapter three

Inclusive teen and middle school ministries

As children grow, inclusion in the church looks different. This manual will help you foster inclusion in teen and middle school ministries.
Chapter four

Awareness and training for the congregation

Learn how to train volunteers to lead your SRM. These leaders will bring their awareness and training to the congregation.
Chapter five

Sensory accommodations for special events

With a few simple adjustments, an SRM can enable everyone to be included in church conferences and special events.

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.

Proverbs 31:8-9, NLT

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